Monday, August 28, 2006


Remember to change your display name if you need-first name, last name initial-

Answer both parts:

What is the value of learning? What are the purpose of grades?


Blogger Sarah E. said...

The value of learning is to satisfy our curiosity and to provide a challenge in life. Although sometimes in high school we aren’t very interested in some aspects of the whole learning thing, that is why we go to college. To learn about what interests us and achieve our dreams and goals. Grades are a way of pushing you to do your best. Grading is based off the teacher’s point of view, you can write an amazing paper and get a D, like Sam said, but to you it’s your best. I think grades should be based off of your own achievements and abilities.

5:15 PM  
Blogger Nikki B. said...

The value of learning is that it creates all kinds of possibilities. Knowledge can take you anywhere and allow you to do anything you want. A good education will make life better and create a future. Grades are important in school to show whether you understand the material and if you can apply it, but grades are only good for school. There are no grades in the "real world".

6:09 PM  
Blogger DerrikO said...

The value of learning is the knowledge that you need to survive in todays world. You have to be able to learn and apply it to yourself in todays world. If you even want a decent job you have to go to college. If you can't learn you can't keep up with all this new technology. Grades are there to prove how well you know your stuff. An example being you think you really understand the stuff and then the test roles around and you sucked. Grades are there to show you how well you really know the stuff.

7:38 PM  
Blogger jaimeL said...

Learning is a very important key to success in our society. Without learning, we wouldn't have the knowledge that we need to be able to succceed in this world. Like Sarah said, to be able to learn and understand helps us to figure out what our interests are and what we want to do with our lives. The purpose of grades is to encourage people to strive for excellence so they can achieve excellence in the future. By working hard and getting good grades today, you can be accepted by good colleges and get a good start in your life.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Eddie W. said...

The value of learning is not to be the smartest one in the class, but to prepare ourselves for anything that may come our way. Throughout our lifetime we are bombarded with new information and new material that we must know in order to insure our survival of humans. Without knowledge no one and nothing can move forward and make progress in life.
The purpose of grades is to actually literally tell the students how much knowledge and thought was put into the assignment. It is sort of saddening in a way that we have to put so much emphasis on A,B,C,D, or F's where our educational future is dependant of how high our gpa is. One cannot put a price on knowledge. Knowledge is knowledge.

12:34 PM  
Blogger Kat L said...

The value of learning is to expand your mind to a new atmosphere. By that I mean that one will learn the roles and confidence to go into the world. Everyday you learn new and exciting things that can halp you in life.
The purpose of grades are to let students and family members know how the student is doing in class. It also shows the points in the class that you are struggling and could be helpful for preparing to study.

12:52 PM  
Blogger Kara B said...

To me the value of learning is that later on in life it will help a lot to know all of the things that we are tought in school. It will make us better people, people that can hold an inteligant conversation and not sound ignorent. For these big bussiness's you have to obtain great amounts of knowledge to get hired with the company and make the kind of money you want. But on the other hand I think that grades are something competitive that people made up a long time ago. Parents wanted some sort of system to show how well they are doing. I personally think that grades do not help me set goal's because eventhough someone get's bad grades it could easily be something like not doing well on test's or not doing their homework.

3:33 PM  
Blogger TylerMaybee said...

The value of learning is to be able to fit in with our culture and be a knowledgable adult. The purpose of grades are to compare you with the rest of your classmates. Grades are also used to determine your understanding of a subject. Rsponsibility is taught through grades because the people that are irresponsible tend not to do their homework and end up with a lower grade.

3:49 PM  

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