Monday, August 21, 2006

Good Students, Class, and Teacher

Please answer each part.
What are the qualities of an effective/productive student? What are the qualities of an effective teacher? What kind of things does this classroom need in order to have a productive learning environment?


Blogger TylerMaybee said...

The qualities of an effective student are the abilities to be organized and ready to respond without fearing what other classmates might think. An effective teacher must keep the class interesting and involve everyone. Using humor in the classroom is important for keeping the enviroment fun and exciting.

4:47 PM  
Blogger DerrikO said...

The qualities of an effective/ productive student are the ability to stay focussed, the willingness to work, and doing all the work assigned to you. An effective teacher is able to help you understand the work but still make it fun. You have to be comfortable in a class because it makes everything easier, and you all have to be able to have a good time.

8:32 PM  
Blogger jaimeL said...

A student who wants to be productive needs also to be attentive. They need to not only listen in discussions, but also be active and voice their opinions on the subjects being discussed. A good teacher needs to be able to present ideas in different ways to appeal to all the students. By teaching students with different approaches, it will help them understand more. Last, a classroom needs to feel "safe" for everyone in the class so people will participate more.

10:34 PM  
Blogger Nikki B. said...

The qualities of an effective and productive student are organization and participation. An effective and productive teacher must also be organized and be able to relate the information to our lives. An interesting and relaxed environment helps to keep the class focused and working.

11:18 PM  
Blogger Eddie W. said...

The qualaties that make an effective student include showing up prepared with an open mind and ready to learn. The teacher must, in order to be an effective teacher, includes staying on task. Gettig things done while still having fun. The classroom must be organized and on task. They need to ask all sorts of questions to further their understanding of the matter being taught. The class must respect others' points of view and not discourage other students if they ask a question. The class must must be distraction free and stay on task in order for the classroom environment to be productive.

7:20 AM  
Blogger Kara B said...

The qualities of an effective/ productive student are organization, concentration, and the willingness to learn (you can not force someone to learn, maybe regergitate but not actually learn the material). The qualities of an effective teacher are patients, and a positive attitude tword teaching. I think that this class like anything else needs organization, everyone one needs to understand, no one should be left out, everyone should be friendly, and an all around good enviroment to learn in.

1:32 PM  
Blogger Kat L said...

Some of the qualities of an effiective/productive student are as follows. Students must come to class prepared and willing to learn. They must have the ability to ask questions and speak their mind. If a student does not want to be in class they are most likley not able to learn to their fullest. A teacher must be willing to work with there students and listen to them. They must be willing to interact with students and ge to know them. In this kind of classroom we must have group disscusions and lots of group work in order to get all of the different ideas that are going on throughout everybody's brain.

9:49 PM  

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